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TOPIC: showing items on listing

showing items on listing 11 years, 3 months ago #14306

Hi I've got SJ responsive listing,content builder,breezing forms on my website now.Im trying to build a auto market website where user can post content and buy items from it.

Now I'm wondering if Sj responsive listing able to take items created by user from my content builder and list it out for other users to browse and view.

Re: showing items on listing 11 years, 3 months ago #14307

  • SA Hoang
Dear Steve,

I think it can help you. This module is reading data from content component. If you add your article to this component, our module can read and show.

Hope it helps

Re: showing items on listing 11 years, 3 months ago #14319

okay I've tried for awhile now,K2 lets you create items and publish it but I cant use K2 to extract items from breezing forms and publish it as articles. Is there any way to do that?

Re: showing items on listing 11 years, 3 months ago #14379

Dear Steve,

Please check your steps again. If are logged in and you have the appropriate permissions, the K2 login module will provide you the link for adding item.

or please refer to

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