I've just bought SJ VM Extra Slider (Joomla 2.5.6 + Virtuemart 2.0.10) and here the problems I have:
1) The price was displayed 0; after the suggestion in forum (
www.smartaddons.com/forum/28-sj-virtuemart-extra-slider/4372-price-showing-as-000-on-all-products-in-slider) I got the price, but it's shown as price minus %VAT, and it sould be the final one
2) I can't see the discounted price
3) The original barred price does not appear (I was told by Customer Care, when I asked for this specific feature, that I could have got the original barred price and the discounted one)
All my products are set with a Cost price (without VAT tax) and the VAT calculation as separate percentage, so my final price = [Cost price + %VAT].
All my discounted products are discounted in "Override => overwrite final"
So what I would like to get is for a certain product:
A) no discount => final price (eg. 100€)
B ) discount YES => old price (eg.
100€ ) / new price (eg. 80€ )/ discount amount (e.g. 20€)
Thanks in advance