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Show final price + discount (if any)
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TOPIC: Show final price + discount (if any)

Show final price + discount (if any) 12 years, 6 months ago #4615

  • santapupa
  • Single Product
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 2
  • Karma: 0

I've just bought SJ VM Extra Slider (Joomla 2.5.6 + Virtuemart 2.0.10) and here the problems I have:

1) The price was displayed 0; after the suggestion in forum ( I got the price, but it's shown as price minus %VAT, and it sould be the final one

2) I can't see the discounted price

3) The original barred price does not appear (I was told by Customer Care, when I asked for this specific feature, that I could have got the original barred price and the discounted one)

All my products are set with a Cost price (without VAT tax) and the VAT calculation as separate percentage, so my final price = [Cost price + %VAT].

All my discounted products are discounted in "Override => overwrite final"

So what I would like to get is for a certain product:

A) no discount => final price (eg. 100€)

B ) discount YES => old price (eg. 100€ ) / new price (eg. 80€ )/ discount amount (e.g. 20€)

Thanks in advance
Last Edit: 12 years, 6 months ago by santapupa.

Re: Show final price + discount (if any) 12 years, 5 months ago #4752

  • santapupa
  • Single Product
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 2
  • Karma: 0
I bought the module trusting you were saying that the module allows to show discounted price and the barred original price, but no discount appears neither barred price or discount amount. you teased me. I opened a ticket and you did not solve the issue.

Before buying the module I asked the customer service if I could have had barred price and discount amount; the replied me "Both of 2 modules allow to show discounted price and the barred original price" (I have an email saying that)

Now the module does not do what it should supposed to do.

I expect you solve the issue or you give my money back.

I already wrote a bad review on Joomla Extension Directory.

There is a ticket idleing from the end of August.


Re: Show final price + discount (if any) 12 years, 5 months ago #4753

  • David Hoang
Dear giuseppe di menno

I am terribly sorry for this late. Tomorrow morning, my technical will check this for you.

Thanks for your partience
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