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TOPIC: cache images not found

cache images not found 2 years, 1 month ago #50110

I have some sliders at the intro page.
But the page is really slow on loading and when I have a look inside the developer tool of chrome it says that i have dozens of errors.
If i am correct the sliders try to load cahced images from my /page/admin/cache/resize/ folder and since the images are not there, every single picture gives a 404.
The user in the end did not see the problem cause the image is somehow loaded. But it is time consuming...

I searched all configurations.
Where do I configurate the cache or what can i do to stop all these 404 errors.

Re: cache images not found 2 years, 1 month ago #50116

Dear Sir

I checked your site, the slider load the image normally


Re: cache images not found 2 years, 1 month ago #50120

I am sorry to say that but they do not.
it is not only firefox anymore...

in made some screenshots to show the problem. sadly it seem i can not upload them here so i upload them to my drive.

1. no pictures are shown...:

2. 172 Pictures not found with 404.

why? what can i do?

Re: cache images not found 2 years, 1 month ago #50127

i made a very bad and ugly hack that worked. but if you have any idea how to fix it propperly than i am very intererested...

the problem is that


somehow returns a path to files that do not exist. (/administrator/cache/filename)

In the override i changed that to:

echo '<img src="'.$img['src'].'" alt=".$img["alt"]." title=".$img["title"].">';

thats not nie. but that worked.

Re: cache images not found 2 years ago #50153

Dear Sir,

Thanks for your information.

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