I have problen witn entering to template sj_expo and sj_tech (the same), which
can not solve by using article shown on the link
When I try to enter to one of templates I see line: Error occurred because preg_replace is null.
YT Framework was updatet (as I remember - 2.2.x). I can enter into template
only after kommenting /var/www/MY.SITE/data/www/MY.SITE/plugins/system/#yt.
No any other way. Help me, please!
One else: I tryed to do the next, but there was no result:
$body1= preg_replace('@<form\s[^>]*name="adminForm"[^>]*>?.*?</form>@siu', $buffer, $body);
$body1 = preg_replace('@<form\s[^>]*name="adminForm"[^>]*>([\w|\W]*)</form>@msu', $buffer, $body);: