Dear zen,
We're sorry about the lateness. This module isn't support about this. so, you can custom following the steps:
1. go to your_site\modules\mod_sj_contact_ajax\tmpl\default.php and find:
$mobile = trim($list->telephone);
if($mobile != '' ){
<div class="info-mobie cf">
<i class="icon-mobile-phone"></i>
<span class="info-label" data-label="<?php echo JText::_('TEL_LABEL') ?>">: <?php echo $mobile; ?></span>
<?php }
$mobile = trim($list->telephone);
if($mobile != '' ){
<div class="info-mobie cf">
<i class="icon-mobile-phone"></i>
<span class="info-label" data-label="<?php echo JText::_('TEL_LABEL') ?>">: <?php echo $mobile; ?></span>
<?php }
$fax = trim($list->fax);
if($fax != '' ){
<div class="info-fax cf">
<i class="icon-print"></i>
<span class="info-label" data-label="<?php echo JText::_('FAX_LABEL') ?>">: <?php echo $fax; ?></span>
<?php }
2. go to your_site\modules\mod_sj_contact_ajax\assets\css\styles.css and add the code at the end of this file:
.info-fax{margin:15px 0 0;}
.info-fax i{font-size:20px;}
3. go to your_site\modules\mod_sj_contact_ajax\language\en-GB\en-GB.mod_sj_contact_ajax.ini and add the code at the end of this file: