Dear zita crol,
Please go to the file: your_site\templates\sj_news\html\mod_login\default.php and remove the code:
<p class="sj-day">
$db = &JFactory::getDBO();
$query = 'SELECT created FROM #__content a ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 1';
$data = $db->loadObject();
if( $data->created ){ //return gmdate( 'h:i:s A', strtotime($data->created) ) .' GMT ';
$date =& JFactory::getDate(strtotime($data->created));
$user =& JFactory::getUser();
$tz = $user->getParam('timezone');
$sec =$date->toUNIX(); //set the date time to second
// echo "<span class=\"date\">".date('d F Y')."</span> Last <span class=\"gmdate\">updated at ".gmdate("h:i ", $sec+$tz)." GMT</span>";
echo "<span class=\"date\">".date('d F Y')."</span> Last <span class=\"gmdate\">updated at ".date("h:i")."</span>";