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How about a template for non profit organizations/associations?
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TOPIC: How about a template for non profit organizations/associations?

How about a template for non profit organizations/associations? 7 years, 2 months ago #35489

Hello there,
Am a longtime subscriber and fan of your templates which I use for 5-6 websites now.
I do however MISS one: how about coming up with a template for multi-activities associations?
I mean, I am part of an association with culture and sports subsections such as tennis,volley-ball,arts,fitness etc....
I am looking for an effective and somewhat flashy stuff which could visually allow users to quickly browse and select activities in a total of about 50+ differents subjects.
I currently use SJ Company which I heavily customized, but I am looking for something a bit more sexy and Joomla 4-ready...
Any idea/suggestion would be warmly welcome.

Keep up the good work and thank you!


Re: How about a template for non profit organizations/associations? 7 years, 2 months ago #35494

  • SA Duong Ha
Thanks for your suggestion!
We will gather more information about this topic and take it into our plan soon.

Best regards!
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