Hi all, tried searching but couldn't find anything related.
The Yt Shortcodes plugin is great for things like blockquotes etc. I am fine editing these individually, but I would like to set a default style:
[quote width="auto" align="none" border="#666" color="#666" title="SOMEONE_FAMOUS_TITLE"]ADD_CONTENT_HERE[/quote]
Setting the color and font colour etc.
I've opened plugins/system/ytshortcodes/includes/shortcodes-prepa.php
And found:
# Block Quote Block
add_shortcode('quote', 'blockquoteShortcode');
function blockquoteShortcode($atts, $content = null){
"title" => '',
"align" => 'none',
), $atts));
$source_title = (($title != '') ? "<small>".$title. "</small>" : '');
return '<blockquote class="yt-boxquote pull-'. $align.'" style="width:'.$width.';border-color:'.$border.';color:'.$color.'">' . $content . $source_title. '</blockquote>';
I have updated the settings to this:
# Block Quote Block
add_shortcode('quote', 'blockquoteShortcode');
function blockquoteShortcode($atts, $content = null){
"title" => '',
"align" => 'none',
), $atts));
$source_title = (($title != '') ? "<small>".$title. "</small>" : '');
return '<blockquote class="yt-boxquote pull-'. $align.'" style="width:'.$width.';border-color:'.$border.';color:'.$color.'">' . $content . $source_title. '</blockquote>';
But when I add in the shortcode it still has the original settings for the color etc.
Am I looking in the wrong file or does something else need to be updated before my changes will take effect?
Thanks all