I installed Sj Plus tamplate for Joomla 3. I like it very much, but I have problems.
My site url:
crazy360.lt/index.php (go directly to /index.php, 'cos without it it shows index.html file)
1. First background image not showing. I choce layoyt style boxed, choce patern I want, but it not showing on website. If I turn site off and log in to it, background is showing, but then site is on and You go to it without loging in it won't show :\
2. Second, even with side menu turned off, it shows side menu on all resolutions monitors using all browsers.
3. Third, despite lithuanian text looks good in Chrome, in Firefox and IE its change font for those symbols.
4. Log in modul not working using it on positions like left, right and so on.
5. I can't find how to remove that 40 px gap on top. I change yt-header margins to 0px, tried to use 1x1 px logo, but there still is 40 px gap.
6. Fancy menu is turned on, but its not working.
Thanks for thouse who gonna help me out,