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SJPlus (Version 1.0.x) is giving PHP-error on 404-Error
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TOPIC: SJPlus (Version 1.0.x) is giving PHP-error on 404-Error

SJPlus (Version 1.0.x) is giving PHP-error on 404-Error 6 years, 1 month ago #38092

We have a quite new Joomla (3.9.2). But our SFPlus is rather old
and give the following Error while requesting an unknown page: (old 404 error):

JException Object ( [level:protected] => 1 [code:protected] => 404 [message:protected] => Beitrag nicht gefunden [info:protected] => [file:protected] => /usr/www/users/xxx/libraries/legacy/error/error.php [line:protected] => 200

The error-page is unusual long (can not post it all)
Any ideas ?

Re: SJPlus (Version 1.0.x) is giving PHP-error on 404-Error 6 years, 1 month ago #38100

To make it more precise: The messages coming in the page are more like Joomla dump messages throwing all kind of information even the one from configuration.php (including passwords). Not nice.
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