I have yesterday bought the SJ Inormation Template.
But seen thats not within Sobipro 1.13 where things changed.
Here is written that the update isnt difficult..
So aslo i started the process
joomla 2.5.11 -> 2.5.16
Sobipro 1.0.8 to 1.1.13
but now i see thats a problem with the template
see ojust white screen in frontend without error output instead errormode development and php.ini has display_errors = on
i updated the yt framework
yt framework 1.9 to 2.1
But same white screen
have anyone a idea
its hard to fix things without a error
And i need the new version for some things.
Also i want mentioned that the sobipro extenions doesnt work properly , too
for example the imagefields.
eventually the changing of underscores ("_") to scores ("-") in the imagefield aliases and in the menu of sobipro.
Its the template because beez default works.