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TOPIC: Sobi Pro 1.1.3

Sobi Pro 1.1.3 11 years, 3 months ago #14601

Hi there,

I'd like to dispel the myth that this template doesn't work with 1.1.3. If you follow the upgrade instructions from SigSiu, the template works just fine, with a little tweaking. It is amazing what happens when you clear all your caches.

Sadly however the Sobi Pro Modules do not work. This is an issue and I truly think that you are missing a trick as a company. You are one of only 2 template and module display suppliers for SobiPro out there.

If you were to take the time to update your modules to 1.1.3 (and preferably do something about the amount of queries they produce ) you would be the best in the business for modules for Sobi.

This isn't just a simple upgrade with Sobi, Radek, Sigrid and co have completely revamped it, improved the router, and a wealth of things in between. We're getting close to J3.5 too and then a flood of people (me included) will be moving from the 2 series.

This and a serious look at how you handle your customers (I see a lot of biting the hand that feeds you in these forums) could turn your business into a very successful one with an excellent reputation to match.

Do you really want to lose out on all those renewals, not to mention the new business that you will receive if you polish and upgrade your offering?

If you would like some help and guidance as to how to best achieve this, feel free to pm me.


Re: Sobi Pro 1.1.3 11 years, 3 months ago #14648



If more that the halfe of the sample Data (quickstart) template doesnt works after the Upgrade.?
Modules like gallery,slider,latest entries, etc doestn works because the fields underscores /scores problem couldnt fix that .
If you did it , how you did it ?
Then i have many problems the sobipro directory with the sj information inside isnt working too.
I ve got problems with ttwo extra sliders on startsite after upgrade i didnt change things.
In Sobipro part i cant work megamenu +with megaslider. the Megamenu isnt open proplerly in full height.
so many small eorrors /bugs summary more than 50% is nt work anymore.
I am disappointed because that why i bought 1st bussiness extenions membership with no working extesions for sobipro 1.1.3 and then i bought the basic membership because i saw the template and this works only with 1.0.8 with big loading times .

Would be nice to share some things if you made the upgrade.

My tryout so far:
Sj Information

Sobipro 1.0.8
Joomla 2.5.11
yt framework 1.9
Joomla update 2.5.16
Language Pack 2.5.16
yt framework 2.1
sobipro 1.1.3

what then ?

Thanks for your post give some hope to me ,-)

greetings unkelo

I have ofteh the eroor with Warning: QueryExec problem . thats for bundling the queries.
But seems do not work properly because i have up to 15 seconds loadtimes.
its undiscutable its nearly unsusable in production.
Last Edit: 11 years, 3 months ago by unkelo.

Re: Sobi Pro 1.1.3 11 years, 3 months ago #14663

Dear Marcel Pietrzok,

Our template (SJ Information Template) is working fine in Sobipro version 1.0. we're sorry. At this time we have no plan for upgrading this, please feel free to use the SobiPro version 1.0. We will announce as the newest version is released on blog. Please follow our blog to get this.
Here is link for our blog:


Re: Sobi Pro 1.1.3 11 years, 3 months ago #14685


The modules don't work - as I said in my post.

The template however does with some tweaks.

SA Anh - Please read my first post in full. The template just needs a couple of hours work, tops. The modules however do need a re-write - but I truly think that you would generate a lot of sales if you did.

They need some work - the queries are crazy - but if you got those modules working for 1.1.3 you'd have sales go through the roof!!!!

Re: Sobi Pro 1.1.3 11 years, 3 months ago #14690


The slider module and the grid module work. I'm not using the grid module so haven't tested it fully but I have 2 slider modules showing different content on the front page without issue.

Re: Sobi Pro 1.1.3 11 years, 3 months ago #14691

  • SA Hoang
Dear Rowan Hoskyns Abrahall,

Next week, we have the plan to upgrade all extensions to SobiPro 1.1.3

Can you let me know which extensions do you want to have before?

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