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SJ News Scroller didn't work today - and now does
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TOPIC: SJ News Scroller didn't work today - and now does

SJ News Scroller didn't work today - and now does 11 years, 8 months ago #10624

A weird observation.... Today suddenly the SJ News Scroller didn't work (we had to turn it off). Now, late at night it suddenly is working again.

Could it be that there is a link to being offline for most of today? i.e. is the module calling a function from another website?????

Thanks for an open and honest answer.

Re: SJ News Scroller didn't work today - and now does 11 years, 8 months ago #10654

  • SA Thuy
Dear Carol Bochmann,

Now, I see that SJ News Scroller module on your site is working well. If you have any issues, please contact with us, we will try to fix them asap.

Last Edit: 11 years, 8 months ago by .

Re: SJ News Scroller didn't work today - and now does 11 years, 8 months ago #10657

Yes, indeed, it does

My question was: How come it didn't work in between and now is working again - without intervention from our side.... We had the suspicion that there is a call of a function from some server somewhere else (which would mean: if that external server is down, the module doesn't work).

Re: SJ News Scroller didn't work today - and now does 11 years, 8 months ago #10675

  • SA Thuy
Dear Carol Bochmann,

There are no links to our site from your site. You can check your site source code again.

Last Edit: 11 years, 8 months ago by .

Re: SJ News Scroller didn't work today - and now does 11 years, 8 months ago #10681

Still puzzling .... but then the template and extension is rather complex....

Re: SJ News Scroller didn't work today - and now does 11 years, 8 months ago #10691

  • SA Thuy
Dear Carol Bochmann,

When you have any problems with SJ News Scroller module, please contact with us. Now it work fine, so it's difficult to we check.

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