I have installed the module in a Joomla 1.5 site with K2 2.5.1. I have pointed it at a K2 category that contains 4 articles. When the page loads, the module appears with the intro text for each article, but the image is broken. If I open any of the articles, the image displays without problem.
I noticed when the page loads, a new folder for the module is created in the Joomla cache folder which is where the broken image links are pointing. However, as soon as the folder is created, it is deleted.
The cache settings for the module are currently disabled. If I enable them, I am getting an PHP error:
Using $this when not in object context in [drive path]\modules\mod_yt_k2frontpage\helper.php on line 26
Any suggestions on why the cache folder is being deleted and causing the issues to be broken for the module?