Hello! Could you tell me please
I am trying to change main menu font in
Template manage/ Sj tech Default (and also try in Sj tech shortcodes)
in Google Font-family field the after press Save nothing is happened.
I see that new Tahoma is in this field but on site there is still old
And in Firebug we still see Fjalla One.
What need to be done to change Main Menu Font
Attachment Tahoma1.jpg not found
After changing we see in Firebug
h3.modtitle, h3.title, .google-font, #yt_menuposition ul.navi li.level1 > .item-link, h2.heading-category, .item-page .category-name, .calendarCurrentMonth, .componentheading, #xmap h1 {
font-family: Fjalla One,serif !important;
#yt_menuposition ul.navi li.level1 .item-link {
color: #fff;
font-size: 115%;
line-height: 18px;
text-transform: uppercase;