Dear Sa,
As a web marketer and not a programmer, I usually use and suggest wordpress to my clients for this easy to use backend and functionnality.
This time i'm making a brand new website for my restaurant and i decided to buy TASTE theme because it's layout matches perfectly our restaurant design.
It's not the first time that i made a website with wordpress but this time it's hard to set up the theme.
when i uploaded the theme i discovered that the backend has no addictional function. the guide is useful but i found not so easy to set up the layout like the demo site. specially on the contact part. i see contact info plus the map but with your instruction i cannot make the same layout.
this is why i asked if i can have an xml file with all the setting of the demo site so i can upload it and change just what i want to change and have the same result like the demo site.
some themes come with the xml file and i found it very useful. with this practice even if you're not a programmer, you can easily set up your site like the demo one.
if it's not possible, shall i have more info about product page? in your demo version i see some effects like box but how can i do it on mine?
hope you can help me.
thanks in advance.