Dear Ferhat Mehdi,
how in a Module "mod_sj_basic_news" have the ability to navigate between article when there are more than 6 or Article 10 (max parameter attempt) as in the article display blog by default
We haven't understood your requirement with article. Could you please send the screenshots of your requirement or explain detail about it?
2. go to your_site\templates\sj_financial\html\mod_sj_basic_news\default.php :
- to convert the date: find the code
<?php echo JText::sprintf( JHTML::_('date',$items->created, 'l, d F Y')); ?>
=> you can convert the date at your disposal by edit:
'l, d F Y' to 'F Y, d' or 'l, d F Y' to 'd F Y'
- to display link read more : find
<a class="more" title="<?php echo $items->title?>" target="<?php echo $options->item_link_target; ?>" href="<?php echo $items->link?>">
<?php //echo JText::_('READ_MORE'); ?>
<a class="more" title="<?php echo $items->title?>" target="<?php echo $options->item_link_target; ?>" href="<?php echo $items->link?>">
<?php echo JText::_('READ_MORE'); ?>
- to display the author : sorry, this module not support.