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TOPIC: Mega menu

Mega menu 9 years ago #27500

Hello. There is a problem with the mega menu. It is reflected not very nice

Attachment 1.png not found

I tried different option. Does not help. If you place module type "Menu", then no menu links in it.
sj sportstore 2.0.2
Joomla 3.4.8
YT Framework 2.2.4

Do you have any suggestions? Thanks in advance for your reply.

Re: Mega menu 8 years, 12 months ago #27506

  • thuyltt
Dear sir,
We see this code make this issue
/templates/sj_sportstore/css/template-tomato.css line 9292
#yt_menuposition #meganavigator li.level1 .mega-content .mega-col .mega-group div.mega-group-title .item-link {
color: #484848;
Please check. You can change to othercolor code.


Re: Mega menu 8 years, 12 months ago #27509

Yes. Thank you. Better now. Much. But this is not a solution.
  1. Menu elements does not react on hover. No markers.
  2. When I add modules to the menu (type of modules - the menu), it displays only the headers of the modules (links are not shown).
  3. When I'm trying to make headlines for mega menu, the menu is not displayed very well. You can see on the site
Last Edit: 8 years, 12 months ago by Aleksej.

Re: Mega menu 8 years, 12 months ago #27524

  • thuyltt
Dear sir,
Please submit ticket and send us your admin+ FTP account , we will add code for you.

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