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listbingo 2.0.2 advance search module doesn't work properlly - conflict with yt framework
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TOPIC: listbingo 2.0.2 advance search module doesn't work properlly - conflict with yt framework

listbingo 2.0.2 advance search module doesn't work properlly - conflict with yt framework 9 years, 1 month ago #27056

Listbingo advance search module doesn't work properly. When I select category and subcategory search module starts loop and load same data several times. Search module work properly in joomla base template if yt framework is disable. When yt framework is enable search module doesn't work properly even in joomla base template.

Re: listbingo 2.0.2 advance search module doesn't work properlly - conflict with yt framework 9 years, 1 month ago #27086

  • thuyltt
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