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How much to have real support for professionnal websites ?
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TOPIC: How much to have real support for professionnal websites ?

How much to have real support for professionnal websites ? 11 years ago #17269

As it seems so usual here: Where is smartaddons support team and their "within 24 hours" reply?.
Once again submitting a ticket and 24 hours later ticket is not even assigned...

If that would help, We would even be happy to pay a little more for real support, since We do understand that their membership price is really low (matching with support)

Our website is in production, so it's unfortunately too late to change template.

ticket N° : TT-0000003882

Re: How much to have real support for professionnal websites ? 11 years ago #17394

  • usersmart1
  • Moderator
  • Posts: 1364
  • Karma: 20
Dear cyril gicquel,

We are sorry for the late response. We are checking for you and will answer you in your ticket. Please feel free to wait us.

Thank you for your patience!
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