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TOPIC: Preformatted text

Preformatted text 9 years, 2 months ago #26523

Hello - I bought this module couple of weeks ago.
I would need to modify it so it shows preformatted text from article (text color; bold, italic etc.)

Right now the text format (size, color, font) is defined in the .css file.

Is there a way to change this - so it would preserve all tags - links, line breaks as well as font size, color, weight from article?

The bottom line is - i would like the article intro to be of same format as it is in the article manager in Joomla.

I am using Joomla 3 - with T3 BS3 blank template framework.

Thank you in advance for your support..

Re: Preformatted text 9 years, 2 months ago #26585

  • thuygtn
Dear vjoveski,

Could you please send your URL and screenshot of your issues?
We will check it asap.

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