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a few problem of mod_sj_k2_reslisting
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TOPIC: a few problem of mod_sj_k2_reslisting

a few problem of mod_sj_k2_reslisting 10 years, 9 months ago #19322

Dear Sir,
I can't remove the read-more and the load-more
I found the Display Readmore Link and set it to no , but it doesn't work
I had tried to edit the default_items.php and nothing changed
can you help
many thanks

Re: a few problem of mod_sj_k2_reslisting 10 years, 8 months ago #19408

yo can remove trailer button

your template/html/mod_sj_k2_reslisting/default_items.php

delete code

<div class="more-trailer">
					<?php if( $metas[0]->value !='' ){?>
						<a href="<?php echo $metas[0]->value ?>" title="<?php echo $des; ?>" data-rel="prettyPhoto"><?php echo JText::_('TRAILER_LABEL') ?></a>
					<?php }else{ ?>
						<a href="<?php echo JURI::base().'/modules/'.$module->module.'/assets/images/nophoto.png'; ?>" title="" data-rel="prettyPhoto"><?php echo JText::_('TRAILER_LABEL') ?></a>
					<?php } ?>

load more button

your template/html/mod_sj_k2_reslisting/default.php

delete code
<div class="respl-loader respl-btn <?php echo $classloaded?>" >
			<a class="respl-button" href="#<?php echo $tag_id; ?>"  data-rl_allready="<?php echo JText::_('ALL_READY_LABEL');?>" data-rl_start="<?php echo $params->get('itemCount', 2)?>" data-rl_ajaxurl="<?php echo (string)JURI::getInstance(); ?>" data-rl_load="<?php echo $params->get('itemCount', 2)?>" data-rl_total="<?php echo K2ResponsiveListing::$total ?>" data-rl_moduleid="<?php echo $module->id; ?>">
				<?php if (!$classloaded){?>
				<span class="loader-image "></span>
				<?php } ?>
				<span class="loader-label" >
					<?php if ($classloaded){
						echo JText::_('ALL_READY_LABEL');
					} else { ?>
					<?php echo JText::_('LOAD_MORE_LABEL')?>
					<?php } ?>
Last Edit: 10 years, 8 months ago by lienkhuong.

Re: a few problem of mod_sj_k2_reslisting 10 years, 8 months ago #19409

I don't want remove LOADMORE BUTON but loadmore button not working

Re: a few problem of mod_sj_k2_reslisting 10 years, 8 months ago #19557

  • usersmart1
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Thanks lienkhuong,

We are checking your issue and will answer in ticket shortly.
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