Hello Smartaddons, sorry for my english, but im from germany.
At first, your Template Sj iCenter is an
amazing work! With Easyblog together it looks really really nice.
But i have some problems with the page speed
I will try to explain as good as possible and step by step.
Sitespeed becomes more priority for Google Rankings, so if your site is faster, than its better for ranking results.
So i use Joomla 3.3.3, Easyblog 3.9.17809 with SJ i Center theme and the SJ icenter Template 1.1.0
I test the Sitespeed with Google's Pagespeed Insight.
Step and Problem 1:
And the result is 39/100. At this time only the Gzip Option is on.
So i go to my backend, to the templatesettings.
There are Optimize options in the advanced tab from sj icenter template.
I can switch only Compress css on (yes) without problems.
Problem 2:
If i switch Compress js to yes, i got the problem that the graphic from the ratings isnt anymore "stars". There are circles....
Problem 3:
The next thing is, the featured article slide from easy blog in the frontpage blog layout dont work anymore with Compress js on.
So with this settings :
Gzip ON - without problems
Compress css ON - without problems
Compress js ON - with some problems
the result is 48/100....
I found a Setting they called "Merge file", but if i turn it to ON, the Site is only white.... nothing appears. So i turned it off
Than i looked for a plugin to increase the page speed, and i found JCH Optimize Pro. I played a little bit with the settings. Some settings caused new problems. So i had only options to ON they dont caused problems....
The result is : 65/100
If i turn the System Cache and the cache option to On, i becomes 68/100.
That looks better now, but the Option Compress JS caused many problems.
Problem1: Featured Slider from Easyblog dont work
Problem2: Ratinggraphic isnt anymore stars, there are circles
Problem3: If you read an article in the single view, at the end usually is a Like-Button, Twitter-Button etc., they disappears too
So, please Smartaddons, can you help me to fix the problems with Compress JS ON? And is it possible to optimize the site a little bit?
Really thank you. I hope you understand me and can help me.