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SmartAddons Templates 2016 - Tell us what you expect in upcoming templates
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TOPIC: SmartAddons Templates 2016 - Tell us what you expect in upcoming templates

Re: SmartAddons Templates 2016 - Tell us what you expect in upcoming templates 8 years, 11 months ago #27451

1. What kind of templates you like: business, eCommerce, news/magazine...
2-What components, 3rd party extensions you want to support
-image gallery
-video gallery
-contact form
-maps plugın
3-What features you would like to see in the template
- color variations
4-Or any related aspects (documentation...)
it's important for me, to be opened very fastly website
-more module position
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Re: SmartAddons Templates 2016 - Tell us what you expect in upcoming templates 8 years, 11 months ago #27452

I'd like to see a Food Truck template with twitter and geo mapping with community builder support!
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Re: SmartAddons Templates 2016 - Tell us what you expect in upcoming templates 8 years, 11 months ago #27453

  • orish
  • Single Product
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Karma: 0
Frankly, I've stopped using templates in Joomla - except for maybe a few very basic ones.

The reason is that I can't seem to navigate my way around all the bells and whistles and modules and components and who knows what else.

Maybe it's a deep flaw in the design of Joomla (v. 3 is a LOT better than previous versions, but I think the templates add an extra layer of muddy complexity).

All I want to do is write an article and tell Joomla (or the template) where it should go. If I want to embed a video or an audio play button, I just want to select an icon in the article interface, enter the details and press OK.

If I want to add a menu item, then I want to be able to say exactly where to go, what level, whether vertical or horizontal, etc. etc. and what page to load when it's clicked.

I'd like my website to keep its layout, not bleed all over the place. An important feature is to be able to control how my site will look on netbooks, tablets, smartphones as well as giant external monitors. Maybe I need four or five different screen layouts that I can tweak individually. But when I tried to use "responsive" (?) templates, my site is unrecognizable on a smartphone or a tablet sometimes, and people write to me saying that they can't find an article or menu item (apparently, this gets hidden somewhere in an icon on a small screen)...

Most of the templates I see are almost identical, the only difference is the imagery (which wastes a lot of screen space) and whether it's one, two or a hundred columns with twirly knobs, flickering slide shows and maps that move in real time....

The underlying aim of making a website functional, easy to read and easy to navigate (AND MAINTAIN) seems to have got lost. I tried to set up a very simple website for selling items on a catalog using VirtueMart. It was impossible. My client (who just wanted to load up the items with pricing and descriptions and have a clean, simple interface) couldn't even get started without becoming something of a Joomla expert. We both wasted a week trying to figure how to do it. She ended up signing up for an online shop service with a standard (and uncustomizable) design, but she was up and running in one day!

In short, I'd like templates to be a bit like a layout designer like in the old days of desktop publishing, or Netobjects Fusion, or basically anything that is WYSIWYG..

Is that asking too much!?
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Re: SmartAddons Templates 2016 - Tell us what you expect in upcoming templates 8 years, 11 months ago #27454

  • mydvdtrader
would like more entertianment based templates-movie themed precisely-would be great to have a radio station theme as well.The one thing lacking within your great inventory of templates -are jomsocial based templates-would make a hell of a template,if you could develope a movie theme jomsocial community based template.
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Re: SmartAddons Templates 2016 - Tell us what you expect in upcoming templates 8 years, 11 months ago #27455

  • mydvdtrader
also a easy way of autoinstalling templates-similiar to joomlashine's autoinstaller.
Joomlashine autoinstaller,is a easy as installing thru joomla installer-once installed-it gives you the option to make your site look just like the demo for that particular template,directly frm the joomla backend,rather than using ftp access for that.thats what you guys should be also focusing in.
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Re: SmartAddons Templates 2016 - Tell us what you expect in upcoming templates 8 years, 11 months ago #27457

Thank you very much for participation.
Preferred templates for me are the stores, news and magazines, in that order would be interesting to launch a flower shop and pets, plus a fashion magazine and weddings.
Many successes.
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