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Images upload via plupload but not save
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TOPIC: Images upload via plupload but not save

Images upload via plupload but not save 8 years, 6 months ago #29137

in every step of SJ Live temlate facing issues.
when i have fixed issues to upload images via plupload and thumbs appear in add or edit ads
while after sumitting the add no images are save for displaying. I am not understanding why images are not save. could you please assist me to get out of this issue to save the images.
while in the administrator mostly the form submittion of save, save and close buttons are not working

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Re: Images upload via plupload but not save 8 years, 5 months ago #29184

  • thuyltt
Dear waheed146,
Could you please feel free to post your question into our ticket system? We need more detail your information to check.

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Re: Images upload via plupload but not save 8 years, 5 months ago #29192

one of the bad support in the world.
after week reply comes and what the hell is reply to place a ticket.
if i can i will request to ban smartaddon and its support for a couple of years in the jail.

your sj_live template have bugs and errors at every steps. either this template should be updated or it should be eleminate to trash bin
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