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Smart Seach Field moved up
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TOPIC: Smart Seach Field moved up

Smart Seach Field moved up 10 years, 7 months ago #20076

We integrated the smart search module in the search login position.


However, it somehow is moving up and is practically invisible in the frontend. Any idea how to rectify this?


Re: Smart Seach Field moved up 10 years, 7 months ago #20085

  • SA Thuy
Dear Carol Bochmann,

Please go to the file: your_site\templates\sj_univer\less\modules.less and find:

         margin: -15px 33px 0 0;

=> Edit to:

         margin: 3px 33px 0 0;

Add the code to that file:
.form-search {margin: 0 0 7px;}

Find the code:
               background: none repeat scroll 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
               border: medium none;
               color: #CECECE;
               left: 74%;
               top: 40%;
               position: absolute;
               box-shadow: none;

=> Change to:
               background: none repeat scroll 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
               border: medium none;
               color: #CECECE;
               left: 68%;
               top: 21%;
               position: absolute;
               box-shadow: none;


Re: Smart Seach Field moved up 10 years, 7 months ago #20086

Thank you for your detailed reply.

I found everything as you suggested and edited everything as you suggested.

I also cleared the cache of the domain.

But still no effect.... at

Could you please give it another try? Thanks.

JUST SAW: a new release of the template has been published. Will try that to see if issue is fixed and report back. ... NO - Unfortunately no success.
Last Edit: 10 years, 7 months ago by abo.

Re: Smart Seach Field moved up 10 years, 7 months ago #20105

  • SA Thuy
Dear Carol Bochmann,

Please clear cache your Joomla again. If your issue persists, please send your site account(ftp+admin) for us to check?

For the security reason, please enter your site account in
Require Help
From Staff + Mod/Admin?

when you reply this answer.


Re: Smart Seach Field moved up 9 years, 6 months ago #25718

Dear thuygtn,

I have the same issue, I follow your solution, but nothing change after cleaning cache , i open on another computer and always the same issue.
Thank you in advance for helping me!

Best regards!
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