With the GREAT help of SA Anh SJ Topbar may be used for a multilingual website by adjusting two files:
Step 1 - file to adjust: /modules/mod_sj_topbar/mod_sj_topbar.php:
Remove/disable arround line 16: $layout = 'default';
Replace with: $layout = $params->get('layout', 'default');
Step 2: - file to adjust: /modules/mod_sj_topbar/tmpl/default.php
Create new module with a duplicated default.php to default2.php
Within this file default2.php arround line 415:
Add the language you need, f.i.: lang: 'nl',
In the administrator-backend of your site use default2 as layout in the second module.
Also: don't forget to set the right language in the seperate modules in the administrator-backend.
Thanks again SA Anh for the GREAT support!
Regards, Robert