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Correction in the database damaged template. Help the correct fix, please!
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TOPIC: Correction in the database damaged template. Help the correct fix, please!

Correction in the database damaged template. Help the correct fix, please! 10 years, 1 month ago #22695

Good afternoon! Help me, please! I tea
I bought you Chalon sj_papa for Joomla 2.5. I am wanting to make corrections, look up words in Total Commander. What the files found
("Dj3ye_extensions.MID" and "dj3ye_ekstensions.MY") and sat there amendment. But the amendments made (in their ignorance) in Notepad "++". Only then I realized that it was impossible to do. After that, my website (on local host) became be loaded correctly. I would like to send you the file log. You helped me to understand. What a terrible mistake I made and how it can be corrected.
Be so kind as to help me please. I had no one else to turn to. And you are the most intelligent and kind. Can you please tell me what to do! Which files to send to you for review?

Sincerely, Olga Plutaeva

Re: Correction in the database damaged template. Help the correct fix, please! 10 years, 1 month ago #22696

After that, my website (on local host) has ceased to be loaded correctly!

Sincerely, Olga Plutaeva
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