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I have several problems
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TOPIC: I have several problems

I have several problems 9 years ago #27377

i have several other problems, my site is
And it’s a Persian site for Iranian people about movie and TV shows and also pictures; it’s an Internet TV website.
We don't have live stream, but instead we want to have our YouTube channel placed in live stream module same as your template.
In doing that I face some problem; when I put our channel address and Id, it doesn't work? How can I fix this? I’ve attached a picture according to this problem.
Another problem is: in module Sj Responsive Listing for K2 in position mainbottom-1, I have to choose in source option - Select one or more categories: but a problem now is that we can't see all items or some of them, we see 1-4 items but we have more than 36 Item, and each time we have to press more, and even by that we only see 2 or 4 more items than before, what should I do to see all Item?
I'm waiting for you response
Thanks for your support

Re: I have several problems 9 years ago #27405

  • thuyltt
Dear sir,
Could you please send us some examples (link your youtube,...) and photos on your issue?


Re: I have several problems 9 years ago #27412

this is my site:
this is our youtube channel:
this is sample youtube urls:

and can you help me about Sj Responsive Listing?

Re: I have several problems 9 years ago #27436

  • thuyltt
Dear sir,
Please tell us where did you input your channel address and Id, in our template, you need add youtube link to display it in Sj Video Box module, you can refer our documentation to config your site.
Sj Responsive Listing for K2: refer this link to config it.
If you still see this issue, please submit ticket we need more information to check this.


Re: I have several problems 8 years, 12 months ago #27518

can you chat with me for help step to step . This is my email: and tell me what time do you can chat with me .
I'm waiting for you response.

Re: I have several problems 8 years, 12 months ago #27540

  • thuyltt
Dear sir,
We support live chat to customer, please login our site:
We will support for you.

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