Hello, i have a problem in my fresh installation on SJ Zaga: i have added a new K2 category (just a copy of existing one), and i have created some items inside the new category.
In the frontend i have problems in viewing new items... icons are smallest than existing (also if new item i s just a copy of an existing item) and links are different from existing items to news items; the link for an existing item in fish category is:
w w w..piccinni28.com/nuovosito/index.php/k2-cateogries/item/240-xare-tuma-nutas
but for new items is:
w w w.piccinni28.com/nuovosito/index.php/component/k2/item/258-poza-sema-tuka2 .
Due to this link problem the pagination is incorrect (some modules are missing), but if i manually modify the link adding just item ID all works.
How can i set correctly this problem? thanks for support. Max