Dear aquarian_design
I would like to answer you as follows:
1. One is have an option to resize the images but not constrain them to the sizes I input so they do not appear squashed or stretched but maintain their aspect there a way to do this
=> In this case, please open modules\mod_yt_virtuemart_slickslider\libs\soslider.php file, at about line 226, find this code:
$nameImg = "resized_" . str_replace('/','',strrchr($imagePath,"/"));
and change to:
$nameImg = str_replace('/','',strrchr($imagePath,"/"));
$ext = substr($nameImg, strrpos($nameImg, '.'));
$file_name = substr($nameImg, 0, strrpos($nameImg, '.'));
$size = getimagesize( $imagePath );
// if it's not a image.
if( !$size ){ return ''; }
// case 1: render image base on the ratio of source.
$x_ratio = $width / $size[0];
$y_ratio = $height / $size[1];
// set dst, src
$dst = new stdClass();
$src = new stdClass();
$src->y = $src->x = 0;
$dst->y = $dst->x = 0;
if ($width > $size[0])
$width = $size[0];
if ($height > $size[1])
$height = $size[1];
$nameImg = $file_name . "_" . $width . "_" . $height . $ext;
2. The second problem is that when you click read more it takes you to the item info which is good but I would like the module to disappear because of limited real estate on the there a way to do this
=> In this case, you need to create new menus for your categories, the system will auto update Itemid for each link in the module
Hope this helps