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Error: 1054 on step5save joomshopping
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TOPIC: Error: 1054 on step5save joomshopping

Error: 1054 on step5save joomshopping 6 years ago #38307

Hello! There is an error: 1054 on step5save joomshopping when I have finished buy algoritm. I cannot change the latest page. How can I change in this situation? Perhaps, it is possible to use redirect on the main page of the site? But probably messages on mail-adress wouldn't sent.
I have bought officail version of template, but now I change qiuckstart on localhost.
Thanks for your help.

Re: Error: 1054 on step5save joomshopping 6 years ago #38313

Dear VladislavM

This is mean you install our quickstart have this error.
please send us the screenshot to clearer where do you get this issue.


Re: Error: 1054 on step5save joomshopping 6 years ago #38314

Hello once again. I attach to my message zip-archive. If you cannot open it, i will download pictires to another server and write you the link.

The problem is that I have complete all the stages of the purchase of other product I didn't get the final page "Thank your for your order". Despite I get the page 404 error in the center of desktop, BUT on the top of this page (on the title of the page - higher than url-line) there is an error: 1054. I tried to install quickstart-version 3.9.0 (I didn't change anything), but nothing changing.

I will be gratefull for your help.

Re: Error: 1054 on step5save joomshopping 6 years ago #38322

Please, help me. I have bought this template for 40$ and want feedback

Re: Error: 1054 on step5save joomshopping 6 years ago #38324

Dear VladislavM

This issue is from the core joomshopping.
please refer the solution here:

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