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Two serious problems (with all your templetes)
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TOPIC: Two serious problems (with all your templetes)

Two serious problems (with all your templetes) 10 years ago #22871

1. K2 editing on front page doesn't work
2. smartaddons template + smartaddons any module enabled = Site doesn't work. Funny characters. (I have sent support ticket ages ago)

Will you please solve these problems before continuing selling your templates and coming up with offers all the time?

I wonder if you test your products before you sell them. This is the worst templates club that exists. It's only good looking. Nothing else. I'm so frastrated. I will stop here before I say worse.

Re: Two serious problems (with all your templetes) 10 years ago #22881


I found solution to problem 1 which proves that you have not done any testing prior to releasing your templates.

in bootstrap.min.css you have css for modal class with prevents the k2 edit link to be shown.
Just removed this class and it is working now. I don't know if this will have any implications anywhere.


Problem 2 still remains unanswered.

Don't you people care of keeping your existing customers and make your templates work?
I'm really surprised by this attitude. Unless you are not here to stay.
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