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TOPIC: dont work

dont work 9 years, 11 months ago #23524

i install this module in joomla2.5(yoo master theme) + virtuemart 2.6.6 but dont work correctly.
how fill this field (Area Results (CSS selector))?
plz help me

Re: dont work 8 years ago #32060

I know this thread is old, but I also would like to know how to fill the "Area Results (CSS selector)" field. My filters aren't working because of that.

Thank you

Re: dont work 8 years ago #32092

Dear bebefofa

Could you please tell me how you get this module yet?

Please send your order information to me if possible.

After confirming it, I will support you to check this issue as soon as possible.

Sorry for this inconvenience but it is our regulation.



Re: dont work 8 years ago #32100

Hi anhqn,

This module was purchased by the company I was working at last year, I don't have access to the order information. Can you please help me? It's a really important feature in my website

Re: dont work 8 years ago #32292

Dear bebefofa

We're sorry, we only support customers when offered their bills. also you can buy our extension to get support.

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