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Has no content to show! - sj grid slider help
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TOPIC: Has no content to show! - sj grid slider help

Has no content to show! - sj grid slider help 8 years, 1 month ago #31723

module is not working correctly. I try remove module and install again - the same it's not working. Displays information "Has no content to show! " I use joomla 3.6.5. The other version of joomla module has working correclty. But I upgade my joomla and module stop displays information correctly.
Please help. Thank you for your time.

Re: Has no content to show! - sj grid slider help 8 years ago #31782

Dera silene

Our sj grid slider is commercial product and I checked your account, there aren't any order information, please send me your order information.
Also our module Compatible with Joomla 3.5
please check this link:


Re: Has no content to show! - sj grid slider help 8 years ago #31783

  • thuygtn
Dear silene

Have you bought it? Please send your order in Admin section when you reply, we need verify your order firstly
About "Has no content to show!", I have a suggest, you can check your module configuration again, please make sure that you already choose Category for it. Then go to your articles in your category, please open them, click save again.

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