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Multiple issues
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TOPIC: Multiple issues

Multiple issues 8 years ago #32043

Hello again,
  1. I need your support for ”Create an account” botton which is not properly targeting the right page (you can check the error on the weblink I provided on a previous post). Please advice.
  2. I need your support to translate ”Categories” & ”Manufacturers” within SJ Filter for VirtueMart module
  3. I also need your support in order to display a product old price & actual price (instead a discount ammount as it is now). Is this possible?

Thank you in advance!

Re: Multiple issues 8 years ago #32095

  • thuygtn
Dear sir,

Have you changed anything? I checked our demo, it still works fine now:

I tried but it changed to automatically

About second issue, please refer:

About issue 3, we only used default form of Virtuemart, so it doesn't support display 2 prices


Re: Multiple issues 8 years ago #32138

thuygtn wrote:

Yes this is the problem! I did not changed anything but I had to install everything from zero (first a clean Joomla!, then the template, and so on,,,) since the quickstart package is too complicated for me to manage/adjust (is multilingual...etc.). But even from the start, the Register button link is pointing wrong. I have no idea how to fix this

For point nr.2 I followed your recommendations but the words Categories and Manufacturers are not changed automatically. Please advise.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Re: Multiple issues 8 years ago #32147

  • thuygtn
Dear sir,

About registry, you should disable Seo and test it again.
About issue 2. please send your url + admin + ftp account when you reply, I will check and guide you


Re: Multiple issues 8 years ago #32149

Hello, I disabled the Joomla! SEO but the Register button is still pointing to Login page... I have no idea why. Please guide me further.

About the Translation issue, please find attached login details as you requested.
Thank you in advance for your support.

Re: Multiple issues 7 years, 12 months ago #32302

Dear meles

1. about register: i enabled this option:
please check again

2. I can't access ftp accpount. Please refer:

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