Hi there,
I'm going to break this post down into two related issues;
Issue 1
I've noticed an issue with SJ Matrix which seems to appear on my site as well as the demo; If you use the search bar to search for products and there are multiple pages, the page navigation does not work correctly. If you click page two it will return you your sites homepage and display the search results below your homepage content.
You can use my site to see this as an example;
Type "Gundam" into the search bar and try navigating to page two of the search results. You will see that what I have mentioned above occurs.
I tried the same thing on the demo site which yields the same result except no results are displayed.
Issue 2
Page navigation numbers do not cascade. When categories have hundreds of products in them resulting in many pages, the pages just keep expanding the page navigation box. This means that one single category or search is going to look messier and messier past page 6. See the following link to my site for an example;