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Translate sj_vm_filter
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TOPIC: Translate sj_vm_filter

Translate sj_vm_filter 8 years, 10 months ago #28191

Hello People Smartaddons
I need to translate this module the following items.
He could not find them or in-GB.mod_sj_vm_filter.ini nor staff will be able to direct me where I can modify it. Thank you

Attachment SJ_VM_filter_language.jpg not found

Re: Translate sj_vm_filter 8 years, 10 months ago #28202

  • thuyltt

Re: Translate sj_vm_filter 8 years, 9 months ago #28276

I have made changes in the language, but unfortunately "prices", "Categories" and "MANUFACTURERS" I could not translate. I have found that in default_product_filter.php in line 31 that adding
<? Php echo JText :: _ ('VM_PRICES'); ?> And eliminating
<? Php echo ucwords ($ key); ?> In "ft-current-group" and then filling in the language of the module., Make the translation but takes the same for categories and manufacturers have the same header.
Would need to translate what indicated in the picture PRICES , CATEGORIES AND MANUFACTURERS. Thank you

Re: Translate sj_vm_filter 8 years, 9 months ago #28291

  • thuyltt
Dear sir,
Could you please feel free to post your question into our ticket system? We need more detail your information to check.


Re: Translate sj_vm_filter 8 years, 9 months ago #28422

Hi Thuyltt
I Haved discover that my host has blocked your country, cause many hacker attacks, I apologize for this situation, but I need to solve as shown in the categories .
Can you guide me to resolve this? Many Thanks
The problem you can see in SJ_VM_filter-002.jpg

Re: Translate sj_vm_filter 8 years, 9 months ago #28436

  • thuyltt
Dear sir,
Could you please feel free to post your question into our ticket system? We need more detail your information to check.

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