After install this template " SJ Shoppystore quickstart template 2.1.1"
i make upgrade to Joomla 3.7, met problem, then come back to 3.65
i make upgrade to PHP 7.0 or 7.1, met problem then come back to PHP 5.6
i make upgrade to Joomla 3.7 + VM 3.21 met problem, then come back Joomla 3.65 + VM3.21
you should met many new bugs when you make upgrade, so for others to know, you 'd better do not upgrade to lastest joomla or VM.version, it might not compatible with the template.
Although, we stay the quickstart old version, it also has many bugs and spend us a lot time to modify,
and i do not know why a template have to run a lot of JS, scripts, it will bring template show dislocation. and Https (ssl) not safe problem.
in fact, I hate a template too much load scripts, which will slow down the site, will also bring a lot of security risks.
now for a live site, it could be work, but it is "Sick" run, I also lost my confidence to upgrade website. ..