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Modifying YT Shortcode in Blossom
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TOPIC: Modifying YT Shortcode in Blossom

Modifying YT Shortcode in Blossom 5 years, 7 months ago #39366

Nice template, perhaps you could implement the solutions to modules not working into the template to save half a day of looking at your forum and solutions.


After installation, 5 of your addons don't work. Why not implement your forum solutions for joomla upgrades into your template, or offer a Jooml 3.8 above version to save each person buying the template having to use your forums to find each answer.

My question is, to keep the YT Shortcode unmodified, the template CSS files unmodified for updates - and I wish to modify YT Member css property - how do I do this?

e.g. in a module
<div class="col-sm-4" style="padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px;">[yt_member style="1" background="" color="" border="0px none #cccccc" shadow="0 0 0 #eeeeee" radius="0px" text_align="center" photo="images/services/test2.jpg" name="Our Bistro" role="Italian Food" url="" ]</div>

is fine, but 3 images across there is a margin at the bottom which comes from membar.css or is inherited from heavens know where but it gives a margin at the bottom of 1.5em which I cannot remove using [yt-member .....]

<div id="ytm5d4b70b25f4a417817647671565225138" class="yt-member yt-member-style-1" data-url="/index.php/en/restaurant"><div class="yt-member-photo"><a href="/index.php/en/restaurant" title="Our Restaurant"><img src="localhost/.../images/services/test1.jpg" alt=""></a></div><div class="yt-member-info"><span class="yt-member-name">Our Restaurant</span><span class="yt-member-role">Italian Food</span></div><div class="yt-member-icons"><div class="yt-member-ic"></div></div></div>


.yt-member {
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
width: 100%;
margin: 0 auto 1.5em auto;
background: #fff;
-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
box-sizing: border-box;

The 1.5 em I guess comes from membar.css - .yt-member-info { padding: 1.5em; }

I need it margin bottom 0em so a row of 3*3 show clean no gap.

Custom CSS file is overwritten by the YT sortcode as is adding style:... in the [yt-member ...]

I.e. in order to use your YT Shortcodes but not break future updates, how can I add custom css where needed on top of the YT output. And I've wasted a lot of time with this.

Thank you for your assistance.

Re: Modifying YT Shortcode in Blossom 5 years, 7 months ago #39369

Dear pribamo

You can add your css to override css in the custom css file of template templates/sj_blossom/css/your_css.css . use the !important for the css to get prioritize


Re: Modifying YT Shortcode in Blossom 5 years, 7 months ago #39376

Thanks for your reply
In short, you cannot do it, its defined by yt php parsing parameters within an outputted div. No choice but to change css file and have to remember I did it.

What delayed the finding was cache, the membar.css file wouldn't update through joomla - had to: - Edit Through Developer's tool, I click and open the css file in a new tab, it is here that I see the CSS file is still the old version. I pressed F5 to refresh this file in browser tab, normally this will force the browser to check if there is a newer version,

Thanks for your help.

Re: Modifying YT Shortcode in Blossom 5 years, 7 months ago #39377

Dear pribamo

Please send us the link of this issue and screenshot that you want to change, we will change for you.

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