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Timetable (spotlight 4) & Great Stories (spotlight 7) don't show Headlines
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TOPIC: Timetable (spotlight 4) & Great Stories (spotlight 7) don't show Headlines

Re: Timetable (spotlight 4) & Great Stories (spotlight 7) don't show Headlines 7 years, 8 months ago #33526

if you go to
you will see that after the slides there is a space to the content-area (Article "Mein Angebot" is connected to the home menu). I would like to remove the space between the two areas.
Anyway... today I faced some major problems:
The main menu item "ÜBER MICH" on the german language site leads to an 404 error. Yesterday it led to the article.
Could not figure out why this is happening.
Please help.
Thanks in advance and regards

Re: Timetable (spotlight 4) & Great Stories (spotlight 7) don't show Headlines 7 years, 8 months ago #33539

Still waiting for your reply.

Re: Timetable (spotlight 4) & Great Stories (spotlight 7) don't show Headlines 7 years, 8 months ago #33558

Dear RomeoAlaviKia

1. you can add the css at the end of this file: templates/sj_fitness/css/template-blue.css or your_css.css file

#slideshow .module{

2. about menu item.
Maybe this issue relate to your configure. i tried this article with english language, it is works normally.
our technical are checking and inform to you as soon as.


Re: Timetable (spotlight 4) & Great Stories (spotlight 7) don't show Headlines 7 years, 8 months ago #33562

hello anhqn,
I added the lines to the css file... it works fine!
Concerning the 2nd issue: I didn't change configuration. At the beginning all languages worked with their corresponding articles. And all over sudden the german "über mich" ariticle went on strike. English, spanisch and greek are still working fine.
I am waiting for your support to continue my work on the project.
Thanks and regards.

Re: Timetable (spotlight 4) & Great Stories (spotlight 7) don't show Headlines 7 years, 8 months ago #33573

Dear Sir

We found the cause of this issue, you need to disable the module: Mein Angebot
the menu item will working normally.
please check your site again

The following user(s) said Thank You: RomeoAlaviKia

Re: Timetable (spotlight 4) & Great Stories (spotlight 7) don't show Headlines 7 years, 8 months ago #33587

Thanks for support.
Everything is working fine again.
Best regards.
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