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Login/Register Problem
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TOPIC: Login/Register Problem

Login/Register Problem 8 years, 1 month ago #31594

I have two problems in my site - SJ- Urline
1. I have multilinguage site: English, Polish, French, Deutch, Italian and Russian...
In English language login is show as: login/register
In other languages login and register have bad form: mod_login_me/sign_up
2. In K2 articles it's the same problem:
In English version module show: button "Read me" and Leave Comments
In other languages: read_more_k2 and K2_no_comments

I send You my ticket and i'm waiting for any answer.

Re: Login/Register Problem 8 years, 1 month ago #31645

Dear Marcin Rawski

I'm sorry. We just finished the days holiday. So can not help you right away.
Please create the folder for your language by duplicate the folder: en-GB in sj_urline template, then edit the name to your language
the next, edit the name of the files in this folder:
create edit to folder: vn-VN

then copy the text: mod_login_me, sign_up, read_more_k2, K2_no_comments ... translate in the file: vn-VN.tpl_sj_urline.ini

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