I've tested module,. unfortunately what you sent me is
completely different module.
We wanted to have module which display items exactly like on this demo:
(Theme 1)
I asked you to fix ordering for that module. That module is named "sj-k2-slideShow-II"
Instead, you sent me "sj-k2-slideShow-iii" module which displays k2 items like in this demo:
On that demo page I cannot find example which looks like what we wanted in 1st place.
We want to have this module fixed:
NOT this module:
Version III looks completely different from style what we wanted!
A lot of time was spent on this: 1st I was trying to figure out why
custom item ordering doesn't work, and than by waiting for your support to fix it. I'm not happy my client is even less happy
Does it mean that in sj-k2-slideShow-II module, when adding custom item, it cannot be ordered manually and it cannot be fixed?
Please say it honestly now, don't let us waiting 2 more weeks!