My client wants to open up k2 item when user clicks on slide items. I have created the override and modified the default.php to create link but I do not know how to modify the jQuery. Now the link is shown in slide items. If I right click on it and select open in New tab, I am able to see the k2 item also. But I think left clicking is not working because of JQuery.
Please help me with this issue. I am attaching my override file in txt format for your perusal.
at line 106 I have modified the code to
<div class="slide-title">
<a href="<?php echo $item->link;?>" title="<?php echo $item->title;?>" <?php echo modSjK2SlideShowiiHelper::parseTarget($options->item_link_target);?>><span>
<?php echo modSjK2SlideShowiiHelper::truncate($item->title, $options->item_limit_title,'...' );?></span>