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php7 and search result page
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TOPIC: php7 and search result page

php7 and search result page 5 years, 9 months ago #38951

I just bought the plugin,
first it looks not compatible with php7:
plgK2Sjk2filter has a deprecated constructor in D:\web\alparc2019\plugins\k2\sjk2filter\sjk2filter.php on line 18
when the plugin is enabled, else (only with the module), no result at all.

Then with php 5.6, I get the results but:
I lose the template of the page (just the component is displayed, and without the item pictures)
the option "auto result" doesnt look working... (no action is taken)

I am missing something here?

Re: php7 and search result page 5 years, 9 months ago #38956


1. go to \plugins\k2\sjk2filter\sjk2filter.php on line 18 and find


change to


2. Please configure


Re: php7 and search result page 5 years, 9 months ago #38971

Thanks, the php fix worked (not anymore with php 5.6 but it doesn't matter)

I don't know how works the "value range" for extrafields filters,
I have this last column (date) and would like to make a select list with it, or something more userfriendly (for now it works if we enter a date eg.:2012)
is it possible? I dont find any documentations about that...



Re: php7 and search result page 5 years, 9 months ago #38974

Dear jmbernier

You can create the extra filed type list or
you can try with some type for your want.
then add your extra field in our module k2 filter:


Re: php7 and search result page 5 years, 9 months ago #38975

Thanks for quick reply,
I know that, but the field "year" is all ready created on a few thousand items...
it is just a textfield and I will not go to change them one by one...

I wonder if I could use the "value range" option (see attached the screenshot), I just don't know how t make it working...

Re: php7 and search result page 5 years, 9 months ago #38980

Dear jmbernier

Please send us the screenshot again to clearer your question

Time to create page: 0.25 seconds


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