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TOPIC: Virtuemart 2.0 not showing pics

Virtuemart 2.0 not showing pics 12 years, 12 months ago #2395

I bought a membership hopping to be able to use the VM extensions, but it aint working with Virtuemart 2.0.0.
I create a test site where I´m using the extension but it does not show the pics at all.
Am I missing something? Is there any manual up to date?.. I already tried out with the one at the and not helpfull at all.

You can see the result here

If you need access please let me know
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Re: Virtuemart 2.0 not showing pics 12 years, 11 months ago #2605

  • Luu Bach Tuyen
Hello Amaranta,

May be your pictures is not published in Virtuemart Media Manager. Please sure they are published first.

Thank you
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