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How the articles work
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TOPIC: How the articles work

How the articles work 2 years, 11 months ago #46790

Hello. I've been using the SJ Basic4 template for some time and I can't change the way articles appear when clicked.
For example, whenever I click on an article, not only the article appears, but all the modules that are part of the home page. To view the article i have to scroll down to the middle of the page.
How can I make only the articles appear and not all the modules on the home page?

Thank You.

Re: How the articles work 2 years, 11 months ago #46811

  • thuygtn
Dear sir,

Please create a menu called as hidden menu, then please create menu item, assign to your article categories.


Re: How the articles work 2 years, 11 months ago #47028

Hello again. I tried to do that, but the problem persists... whenever I access an article, it doesn't appear alone, but with all visible modules. There must be some option to prevent this from happening. Thank you anyway.

Re: How the articles work 2 years, 11 months ago #47031

  • thuygtn
Dear eeirsm,

We don't support free member, please buy extend support license here:

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