Dear Christoph
Please open mod_yt_megak2news_j17\assets\ytc_k2_mega_news.php file, find this code:
$query .= " WHERE a.published = 1"
. " AND a.access IN(".implode(',', $user->authorisedLevels()).")"
. " AND a.trash = 0"
. " AND c.published = 1"
. " AND c.access IN(".implode(',', $user->authorisedLevels()).")"
. " AND c.trash = 0 " ;
and add my code under this code:
$query .= " AND (a.publish_up = {$db->quote($nullDate)} OR a.publish_up <= {$db->quote($now)})";
$query .= " AND (a.publish_down = {$db->quote($nullDate)} OR a.publish_down >= {$db->quote($now)})";
You can download this package again. I updated this bug