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Product title position
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TOPIC: Product title position

Product title position 12 years, 8 months ago #3897

  • alejandro_quin
  • Single Product
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 3
  • Karma: 0
Im trying to find vm category showcase forum, without sucess, I hope you can help me

I already installed and work fine, But i need to change the product title to the top of the image

please see atached image


Re: Product title position 12 years, 8 months ago #3956

  • loitt
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 2222
  • Karma: 48
Hi Alejandro quintero,

If you use the theme 3, please open the theme3.php file in "your_site/modules/mod_sj_vm_categoryshowcase/tmpl", finding:

							<?php if (($options->show_image_product ==1)&&($item['image'] !='')) {?>	
								   <div class="images">
								   <?php if($options->link_image_product==1) {?>
									<a style="color:<?php echo $options->title_color;?>" href="<?php echo $item['link'];?>" target="<?php echo $options->target;?>">
									<img src="<?php echo Ytools::resize($item['image'], $small_image_config);?>" alt="image"/><br/>
									<?php } else {?>
									<img src="<?php echo Ytools::resize($item['image'], $small_image_config);?>" alt="image"/>
									<?php }?>
								<?php } ?>
							   <div class="sub_content" style="color:<?php echo $options->title_color;?>;">                                         						
								<?php if ($options->show_title ==1) {?>
								<div class="title" style="color:<?php echo $options->title_color;?>; font-weight: bold">
								<?php if($options->link_title==1) {?>
								<a style="color:<?php echo $options->title_color;?>; font-weight: bold" href="<?php echo ($options->link_title)?$item['link']:"#";?>" target="<?php echo $options->target;?>"> <?php echo YTools::truncate($item['title'], $options->limit_title);?> </a> <br/>                                     
								<?php } else { echo YTools::truncate($item['title'], $options->limit_title);}?> 						
								<?php }?>
                                <?php if($options->show_price == 1){?>
                                    <span class="item_price" style="color: <?php echo $options->price_color;?>; font-weight: bold">
                                         if($item['price']['discountAmount'] > 0){
                                         $price_before_discount = $item['price']['salesPrice'] + $item['price']['discountAmount'] ;
                                         echo "<s>". $vm_currency_display->priceDisplay($price_before_discount)."</s>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
                                         <span style="color:<?php echo $options->price_color_salesPrice;?>;">
                                         echo $vm_currency_display->priceDisplay($item['price']['salesPrice']);  
                                <?php }?>
								<?php if ($options->show_desc == 1) {?>
								<div class="brief_description" style="color:<?php echo $options->desc_color;?>">					
								<?php echo YTools::truncate($item['desc'], $options->limit_desc);?>								
								<?php }?>
								 <?php if ($options->show_read_more == 1) {?>   
								   <div class="read_more"><a href="<?php echo $item['link'];?>" target="<?php echo $options->target;?>" style="color:<?php echo $options->desc_color;?>"><?php echo $options->read_more_text;?></a></div>
								 <?php }?> 
								</div> <!-- END sub_content -->	

change to:

							   <div class="sub_content" style="color:<?php echo $options->title_color;?>;">                                         						
								<?php if ($options->show_title ==1) {?>
								<div class="title" style="color:<?php echo $options->title_color;?>; font-weight: bold">
								<?php if($options->link_title==1) {?>
								<a style="color:<?php echo $options->title_color;?>; font-weight: bold" href="<?php echo ($options->link_title)?$item['link']:"#";?>" target="<?php echo $options->target;?>"> <?php echo YTools::truncate($item['title'], $options->limit_title);?> </a> <br/>                                     
								<?php } else { echo YTools::truncate($item['title'], $options->limit_title);}?> 						
								<?php }?>
                                <?php if($options->show_price == 1){?>
                                    <span class="item_price" style="color: <?php echo $options->price_color;?>; font-weight: bold">
                                         if($item['price']['discountAmount'] > 0){
                                         $price_before_discount = $item['price']['salesPrice'] + $item['price']['discountAmount'] ;
                                         echo "<s>". $vm_currency_display->priceDisplay($price_before_discount)."</s>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
                                         <span style="color:<?php echo $options->price_color_salesPrice;?>;">
                                         echo $vm_currency_display->priceDisplay($item['price']['salesPrice']);  
                                <?php }?>
								 <?php if (($options->show_image_product ==1)&&($item['image'] !='')) {?>	
								   <div class="images">
								   <?php if($options->link_image_product==1) {?>
									<a style="color:<?php echo $options->title_color;?>" href="<?php echo $item['link'];?>" target="<?php echo $options->target;?>">
									<img src="<?php echo Ytools::resize($item['image'], $small_image_config);?>" alt="image"/><br/>
									<?php } else {?>
									<img src="<?php echo Ytools::resize($item['image'], $small_image_config);?>" alt="image"/>
									<?php }?>
								<?php } ?>
								<?php if ($options->show_desc == 1) {?>
								<div class="brief_description" style="color:<?php echo $options->desc_color;?>">					
								<?php echo YTools::truncate($item['desc'], $options->limit_desc);?>								
								<?php }?>
								 <?php if ($options->show_read_more == 1) {?>   
								   <div class="read_more"><a href="<?php echo $item['link'];?>" target="<?php echo $options->target;?>" style="color:<?php echo $options->desc_color;?>"><?php echo $options->read_more_text;?></a></div>
								 <?php }?> 
								</div> <!-- END sub_content -->	

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Re: Product title position 12 years, 8 months ago #3969

  • alejandro_quin
  • Single Product
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 3
  • Karma: 0
Thanks Works fine with product titlle , but price still on right, its posible to move to the top fo the product image like product title?

Please see attached file how looks now

excelent support thanks

Re: Product title position 12 years, 8 months ago #3976

  • loitt
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 2222
  • Karma: 48
Hi Alejandro quintero,

You can add the code line
<div class="clr"></div>
to the modified code in theme3.php file.

Please see the following code lines.

<div class="sub_content" style="color:<?php echo $options->title_color;?>;">                                         						
	<?php if ($options->show_title ==1) {?>
	<div class="title" style="color:<?php echo $options->title_color;?>; font-weight: bold">
	<?php if($options->link_title==1) {?>
	<a style="color:<?php echo $options->title_color;?>; font-weight: bold" href="<?php echo ($options->link_title)?$item['link']:"#";?>" target="<?php echo $options->target;?>"> <?php echo YTools::truncate($item['title'], $options->limit_title);?> </a> <br/>                                     
	<?php } else { echo YTools::truncate($item['title'], $options->limit_title);}?> 						
	<?php }?>
	<?php if($options->show_price == 1){?>
		<span class="item_price" style="color: <?php echo $options->price_color;?>; font-weight: bold">
			 if($item['price']['discountAmount'] > 0){
			 $price_before_discount = $item['price']['salesPrice'] + $item['price']['discountAmount'] ;
			 echo "<s>". $vm_currency_display->priceDisplay($price_before_discount)."</s>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
			 <span style="color:<?php echo $options->price_color_salesPrice;?>;">
			 echo $vm_currency_display->priceDisplay($item['price']['salesPrice']);  
	<?php }?>
	<div class="clr"></div>
	 <?php if (($options->show_image_product ==1)&&($item['image'] !='')) {?>	
	   <div class="images">
	   <?php if($options->link_image_product==1) {?>
		<a style="color:<?php echo $options->title_color;?>" href="<?php echo $item['link'];?>" target="<?php echo $options->target;?>">
		<img src="<?php echo Ytools::resize($item['image'], $small_image_config);?>" alt="image"/><br/>
		<?php } else {?>
		<img src="<?php echo Ytools::resize($item['image'], $small_image_config);?>" alt="image"/>
		<?php }?>
	<div class="clr"></div>
	<?php } ?>
	<?php if ($options->show_desc == 1) {?>
	<div class="brief_description" style="color:<?php echo $options->desc_color;?>">					
	<?php echo YTools::truncate($item['desc'], $options->limit_desc);?>								
	<?php }?>
	 <?php if ($options->show_read_more == 1) {?>   
	   <div class="read_more"><a href="<?php echo $item['link'];?>" target="<?php echo $options->target;?>" style="color:<?php echo $options->desc_color;?>"><?php echo $options->read_more_text;?></a></div>
	 <?php }?> 
	</div> <!-- END sub_content -->	

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The following user(s) said Thank You: Virtuemart

Re: Product title position 12 years, 8 months ago #3980

  • alejandro_quin
  • Single Product
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 3
  • Karma: 0

Excellent support!!
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