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Maybe your component (Virtuemart) has been installed incorrectly. Please sure your component work properly. If you still get errors, please contact us via our forum or ticket system
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TOPIC: Maybe your component (Virtuemart) has been installed incorrectly. Please sure your component work properly. If you still get errors, please contact us via our forum or ticket system

Maybe your component (Virtuemart) has been installed incorrectly. Please sure your component work properly. If you still get errors, please contact us via our forum or ticket system 5 years, 4 months ago #39728

Maybe your component (Virtuemart) has been installed incorrectly.
Please sure your component work properly.
If you still get errors, please contact us via our forum or ticket system.

I am implementing a site with Sj BeStore and when updating VirtueMart 3.6.2 10159 all the virtuemart extensions that use this template present this same error.

When searching the forum for an answer to this problem, I see that there is still nothing from you, in my case I cannot settle for a solution because I am paying an annual plan and I have the right to support.
Awaiting a prompt solution.
Thank you
Last Edit: 5 years, 4 months ago by barone.

Re: Maybe your component (Virtuemart) has been installed incorrectly. Please sure your component work properly. If you still get errors, please contact us via our forum or ticket system 5 years, 4 months ago #39749


With virtuemart 3.4.2 It's ok. It is not support virtuemart 3.6.

Best Regards

Re: Maybe your component (Virtuemart) has been installed incorrectly. Please sure your component work properly. If you still get errors, please contact us via our forum or ticket system 5 years, 4 months ago #39757

Good morning, really that is not a serious response from a company to its customers, before moving forward you have to go back, the future is forward and not backwards, I feel dissatisfied.
How about I treat my clients like that maybe I had even one of them?
This is embarrassing.
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